Andrew Stanton Storytelling

Story like a thesis?

How do you make a promise?

What are my conditions for life?

How can you use wonder in horror?
“Storytelling is joke telling.” All parts of story
leading to singular goal

Make me care. Make it worth my time.

make the audience put things together. dont overexplain

give central motivations to characters, “spines”, not always positive. “life is never static” give underlying tension

“stop signs are suggestions!” people live life conditionally. play by the rules as long as conditions are met, after that all bets are off

make them stop and wonder
Summary: Stories are human. Use what you know. All people are pretty darn similar at their core. There are no solid rules. Better films have been made by amateurs following their gut than experts who went to school for it. Write what you know. “know your lane, stay in it, drive fast.” People want to care. Make something that you can see yourself in, and others will do the same.

Story of Film – Episode 2 – The Hollywood Dream

Early 60s film books
Early 60s film books” by JohnGreenaway is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0.

1918-1928: The Triumph of American Film…

…And the First of its Rebels